19-6DE Learn to Repair your Metal Clay

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Description: Have an idea for a metal clay piece, but not quite sure how to start? What about pieces that are technically complete, but you feel like they’re still missing something, or are somehow a little “off”? Then there’s everyone’s favorite: pieces you thought were fully sintered, but they broke? Last but not least, have you opened the kiln to a total metal clay surprise and found yourself wondering what the heck happened? If any of these apply to you and your work, bring yourself, your plans, and your poor damaged pieces and join others in the same metal clay boat. We’ll bounce ideas, discuss approaches to daunting designs, and practice repairing those troublemaker items. Any and all brands and formulas of metal clay are welcome; each artist is responsible for also bringing firing directions and additional clay should any pieces be made in formulas other than Art Clay Silvers, Copper, or Bronze. Need a little somethin’-somethin’ to fully finish? My own mistakes become your benefits, as I happily bring my extras and rescued bits for everyone to pillage as necessary. Added bonus: we’ll do a deep dive into ways to reconstitute dry clay.

Materials included in price: Access to previously formed bits, balls, and molded shapes, access to reclaimed embeddables, .999 Paste Art Clay .999 silver, .950 sterling, copper, and bronze for repairs or small additions PasteMaker

Date: Sunday, January 19, 2025

Time: 1:30-4:30pm

Instructor: Katie Baum

Skill Level: Confident Beginners and Beyond

Required Tools:  

  • Basic metal clay tool kit
  • Magnifying glasses and Ott light as needed